Welcome. This site contains my artwork. All paintings are done on canvas in acrylic paint. You can click the image above to begin.

I enjoy many styles of fine art, from Italian Renaissance to German Expressionism. I appreciate the Impressionists' use of color, most notably through the work of Vincent Van Gogh. I especially connect with Surrealism; Salvatore Dali and Rene Magritte are two of my favorites.

I prefer representational art to abstract since I find it more accessible to the viewer and more challenging to create. I do, however, have great respect for talented abstract artists who work from a fundamental understanding of color, composition and light and go on to create their own personal interpretations.

I base my work initially on an engaging composition, followed by a limited pallet, and finally on an interesting treatment of subject, light, and form. Like the Surrealists, I enjoy representing the beauty of the real world, but revel in delivering it slightly askew.

I hope you enjoy my work, and drop me an email if you like.
